Rubio Sued By Management Group

Paulina Rubiois facing a lawsuit by her former management company, which claims she owes more than $300,000 for services rendered.

The suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court October 20th, claims Rubio breached oral and written contracts with Storm Theater Group.

According to the suit, the performer signed with the company in January 2002 and agreed that she would pay the company 15 percent of her gross earnings from performances in Mexico and 20 percent elsewhere. She was also supposed to pay the company 15 percent of her gross earnings for merchandising and endorsements.

Rubio’s publicist could not be reached at press time.

The performer was made to pay PR firm Pacific Communications Group a settlement of $57,500 in 2004 after a jury decided she had reneged on e-mail and oral agreements with the firm, failing to perform at the Los Angeles Auto Show.