Hendrix Auction Disputed
The family of Jimi Hendrix was not happy with a New York auction of Hendrix material, and buyers were warned. But that didn’t stop a winning bidder from purchasing Jimi’s entire song catalog for $15 million.
The rights to the songs were auctioned off October 26th by the estate of former Hendrix manager Michael Frank Jeffrey, who died three years after the guitarist, according to a spokeswoman for Ocean Tomo Auctions. She refused to name the buyer.
The Hendrix family, however, owns the rights to the catalog, according to estate spokesman Bob Merlis.
“You may buy the right to become a defendant in a lawsuit,” he said. “If someone infringes on our rights, we’ll deal with it.”
Court cases have established that the family owns rights to the catalog, he said.
“We sounded many, many cautionary notes,” Merlis said. “Basically, somebody bought the Michael Jeffrey estate claim, which was heretofore judged worthless. I’d file this one under ‘go figure.'”
Indeed, Merlis sent out a press release in early October that detailed the court cases and promised legal action against potential buyers. Another warning was sent in mid-October titled “Hendrix Auction: Nothing of Value.”
The Ocean Tomo representative had no comment on the matter.