Britney Gets K-Fed Up

Republican strategist Karl Rove had reportedly hinted at an “October surprise” for months and it happened on election day, November 7th, when the world learned that Britney Spears had filed for divorce from Kevin Federline.

Spears filed in Los Angeles Superior Court with the date of separation November 6th – the day she made a surprise appearance on “Late Night With David Letterman” in New York City. The couple had their second child, Jayden James, September 12th. Spears is asking to waive her right to spousal support. The couple has an iron-clad prenup, sources told celebrity blog TMZ.

The marriage had drawn Bennifer-sized publicity since its inception in October 2004 (the couple had an unofficial wedding a month earlier). The coverage progressively turned into farce and followed the same arc as Federline’s musical career. K-Fed, as he was dubbed, was a backup dancer for Justin Timberlake but eventually became a rap performer.

His publicity has been mostly bad or snarky, though. Mr. Spears became an online meme much like Paris Hilton, where K-Fed “fans” were actually non-fans poking fun at him. Highlights include a series of K-Fed “mashup” videos where people spoofed Federline’s recent single “Popozao” and an unwatchable performance debut at the Teen Choice Awards.

The divorce filing also took place three days after Federline played Webster Hall in New York City where he reportedly had a sparse crowd.

On the bright side, K-Fed does have a few upcoming bookings at House of Blues clubs.