Daily Pulse

Panic! Tour Loses Bloc Party

Bloc Party was forced off of the current Panic! At the Disco tour after drummer Matt Tong was admitted to a hospital with a collapsed lung following a November 9th performance at Atlanta’s HiFi Buys Amphitheatre.

At first, it looked like the band was going to miss about four shows on the tour but Bloc Party has confirmed it is staying off the road.

“We would like to apologize to all of our fans here who won’t be able to see us on this tour,” frontman Kele Okereke said in a statement. “We were looking forward to playing in a number of American cities that we’ve never been to before, however, Matt’s health is our number one priority right now.”

Doctors have reportedly advised Tong not to travel or perform while his lung heals, and that could take a few weeks.

The Panic! At The Disco tour continues through December 12th with Jack’s Mannequin on all but the final date in Mexico City.

Bloc Party’s U.K. tour, which is set to run January 27th to February 22nd, is still on the books.

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