Brown Case Under Appeal

James Brown‘s former publicist, who attempted to sue the performer for sexual harassment, is trying to get her case heard by the Supreme Court despite a lower-court ruling that she waited too long to file.

Jacque Hollander’s lawsuit, filed in 2005, claims she was raped by Brown at gunpoint in 1988, which led to her developing a thyroid problem as a result of the alleged assault. She is seeking $106 million in damages.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in August that the statute of limitations had run out since the time limit begins at soon as the victim learns that an injury has been inflicted.

Hollander’s lawsuit claims the two-year time limit shouldn’t apply because her condition wasn=t diagnosed until 12 years later.

Brown’s attorney, Debra Opri, said Hollander’s request to be heard by the Supreme Court is “a pipe dream.”