Cable channel Court TV is broadcasting the trial live, but if your boss doesn’t allow you to watch television while at work, you can log on to for all the latest action, including a behind-the-scenes blog covering details that might not be included on evening newscasts, such as this description of Spector’s courtroom entrance:

“With a slow, almost pained gait, Phil Spector enters the courtroom. He is dressed in a beige suit with a long jacket, matching vest and a deep purple shirt open at least three buttons. He is accompanied by his wife, Rachelle Short. He walks right past his estranged son. If he sees Louis Spector, he doesn’t acknowledge him in any way.”

Of course, the Spector trial is a Los Angeles trial, which means showbiz glitz mixed with law and order, Hollywood style. Capturing all the important legal action is the Los Angeles Times’ courtroom blog.

“Bailiffs brought boxes of leftover food, apparently catered, from the courtroom as the lunch break ended. Visible were brown rice, something a deputy described as chicken kebabs, the chickpea dip called hummus, and pita bread. Another reporter said he saw what looked like fresh sliced pineapple from the meal.”

Not since the O.J. Simpson trial has there been a murder case as intriguing. And thanks to the Web, every utterance, every objection, every strand of Spector’s ever-changing hair styles is only a mouse click away. Isn’t technology wonderful?