“I’m doing it for transparency,” he told Pollstar after announcing that former police commissioner Pat Byrne would head up a team to look at the issues raised by disgruntled fans.

“When there are so many complaints, then I think it’s best to show that we’re not a company that just reels off a few excuses. We’re showing that we’re open and we want to get to the bottom of what caused the problems.

“Although the actual percentage of complaints is still very low, there are enough to make it worth looking into,” he added.Irish newspapers say about 150 people (out of 17,000) complained after the Co. Kildare show became a free-for-all for seats.

Streisand delayed going on stage for 45 minutes to let latecomers take their seats, but many opportunistic fans who’d arrived earlier had already jumped into them when they saw the numbers had washed off in the rain.

Fans who shelled out up to £330 for front-row seats found them filled by others who’d simply moved up from the back and stubbornly refused to leave.

MCD’s first reaction was to apologise to fans and blame bad weather for the traffic congestion on the M50 and neighbouring motorways.

A full police and traffic management plan was in place and an extensive media campaign had been launched to warn concertgoers of possible delays.

It’s been Ireland’s wettest summer in 150 years and some fans complained that the car parking area next to the arena was a mudbath.