Britney Drives Herself Crazy

A woman watched an Internet video where Britney Spears bumped into a car – and came to the unsettling realization it was her car.

Paparazzi captured the moment with pictures and video August 9th as the newly divorced starlet steered her black convertible, with her puppy on her lap, no less, into a silver Mercedes-Benz while trying to park her own car at a Studio City, Calif., parking lot.

A video on shows that after hitting the adjacent car, Spears checked the damage on her own vehicle and headed off to shop without a care in the world.

Kim Robard-Rifkin, a 59-year-old registered nurse and owner of the Benz, said she was "sort of amused and sort of shocked" when she learned it was the celeb who had scraped up her car. She told August 8th that nobody from the Spears’ crew had stepped up and admitted to the fender-bender.

"It’s sad because I was really hoping she’d step up and be a mensch, be a human being," Robard-Rifkin said. "It was simply like my car didn’t matter to her, my inconvenience didn’t matter to her."

Robard-Rifkin filed a police report August 9th.