The group will launch the “Dubya” fall tour, or “a musical adaptation of the last seven years of the George W. Bush presidency – performed by robots!,” October 11 at Ash Street Station in Portland, Ore., and hit clubs across the country through early December.

Other stops on the itinerary include Brewski’s in Ogden, Utah (October 15), Cactus Club in Milwaukee (October 22), The Annex in Madison, Wis. (October 26), Elbow Room in Ypsilanti, Mich. (October 31), the Chameleon in Lancaster, Pa. (November 5), Jinx in Savannah, Ga. (November 10), Common Grounds in Gainesville, Fla. (November 16), Grant Street Dancehall in Lafayette, La. (November 20), Club Congress in Tucson, Ariz. (November 28), and Bottom Of The Hill in San Francisco (December 8).

Tickets for a few dates are available through Ticketmaster.

Rather than attempting to describe C!BR’s upcoming extravaganza, Pollstar decided to let the band speak for itself with a quote from the tour poster.

“My Fellow Americans – My name is George ‘Dubya’ Bush, and I approve this message. That’s right folks C!BR will be coming to your town doing a tour dedicated to our great president, George Walker Bush.

“Whether you lean to the right or the left, whether you’re a terrorist or a pacifist, this tour is not to be missed. From 9/11, to the Iraq war, this administration has had as many twists and turns as Saddam’s noose.

“The robots will be playing GOP Administration members and various important figures from the last seven years. Dressing up as Secret Service agents for audience members is encouraged.

“We hope to see you at the show, as we’ll be listening to all your phone calls to confirm you’ll be showing up. Remember, ‘Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.'”