CMA Board Named

In the lead up to a new year for the Country Music Association’s board of directors in Nashville, Lyric Street Records prexy Randy Goodman has been elected president of the board.

Spalding Entertainment’s Clarence Spalding, former president of the board, now takes on the role of chairman.

Newly elected directors to the board include Bruce Allen of Bruce Allen Talent, Gold & Gold Production’s Ron Sakamoto, Larry Fitzgerald of The Fitzgerald Hartley Co., William Morris’ Rick Shipp and Steve Moore of AEG Live, among others.

The board will begin its new year November 8th, following the 41st annual CMA Awards.

Goodman served as general manager of RCA label group before launching Lyric Street Records in 1997. He also served as the CMA board’s president-elect for the past year, which he said gave him a chance to learn about the current issues the association faces.

"It was just immersing myself in the business of CMA, from every aspect of every committee," Goodman said in a statement. "It’s been about getting my hands dirty, but doing it in a way that’s a bit under the radar, because I don’t have to be the person making the decision. I’m there to hear the dialog and learn from that and where it is appropriate, offer my opinions."