The U.S. Military Academy beat out rivals U.S. Air Force Academy and U.S. Naval Academy to win the contest. Originally the winner was supposed to receive one DMB show, but the second show was added to ensure that all cadets could attend the pep rally.

The shows, which also feature Robert Randolph & The Family Band, are scheduled for November 14 and 15 at Eisenhower hall. Although the two shows are private affairs for the Academy, a small number of tickets will be offered through The Warehouse, the official Dave Matthews Band fan association, which will accept ticket requests until 12 noon, October 29.

Cadets at West Point won the contest by texting invitations or postings on AT&T’s site. One video featured cadets demonstrating their hip-hop prowess while a direct plea said, “West Point NEEDS someone to ROCK our stone walled campus.”

Cadets learned their school was the winner when they were shown a videotape featuring Matthews saying, “Congratulations! We’ll see you in November.”