One major social networking site, MySpace, already has a music community – MySpace Music – focusing on major, indie and unsigned artists. However, News Corp-owned MySpace is looking to boost the volume by introducing a new feature combining corporate marketing techniques with individual viral marketing aspects.

Called MySpace Transmissions, the new feature may help change the social networking dynamic for marketing music, not only by presenting authorized music in a social online network environment but also by employing the viral aspects such communities offer.

At MySpace Transmissions, fans get to go behind the scenes with their favorite artists and bands, experience video Q&As, even purchase music not available in the brick-and-mortar world. MySpace Transmissions makes it appear that your favorite performer is just another MySpace resident. One who just happens to be famous.

MySpace Transmissions’ debut features James Blunt putting the new online feature through its paces, including a private recording session accessible only by other MySpace members, a video question and answer session plus five tracks recorded exclusively for the MySpace community.

“Transmissions allows me the great opportunity to connect directly with fans,” Blunt said. “Playing my new songs with the guys in the band and having fans able to hear them in a new and unique way is always what I am looking for. I am excited to be the first to launch this with MySpace.”

MySpace Transmissions is more than yet another online performance by a popular artist. All content is archived, which should make the online feature a go-to spot among music lovers for years to come.

More importantly, MySpace users will be able to add the content to their profiles. It’s this form of viral promotion that is bound to attract other artists to participate in the Transmissions program, if only because music fans are more likely to trust other music fans’ opinions rather than some obvious ad campaign presented by a record label.

“Transmissions takes our existing music programming to the next level by creating a unique way to expose users to exclusive content while empowering artists and labels with a new way to generate revenue on MySpace,” said Josh Brooks, MySpace’s VP of programming and content. “We’re committed to working with all stakeholders in the industry to develop monetization structures that work for labels, bands and fans. Stay tuned – this is the tip of the iceberg in the evolution of MySpace Music.”