Well, there’s always YouTube.

But you better act fast. The Google-owned video Web site is removing clips of the historic event almost as soon as users post them.

Clicking on some of the video links generates a message saying the clip was removed by request of the copyright owner, while other responses are a bit more exact, saying the “video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Music Group.”

How is YouTube keeping up on all the Zeppelin postings? Not too well, if what is still available on the Web site is any indication. Although clips have been removed, there’s plenty more where those came from, along with posters determined to spread the Zeppelin joy.

YouTube and its corporate masters at Google have been criticized for not taking a more active hand in removing copyright violations from the video site, and faces several lawsuits over that very issue. To its credit, Google recently unveiled new tools designed to identify and remove infringing material.

However, those new tools rely on official copies of the material in order to match against users’ postings, and the Zeppelin clips fans have uploaded represent varying sound qualities, different camera angles and assorted shots from various points of view. How do you ferret out stuff like that?

Chances are, you don’t. At least, not through automated software tools or bots looking for infringing content. Chances are, you identify and remove the clips the old-fashioned way – someone has to eyeball the material and press the delete key (or whatever YouTube does to remove a clip).

PC World says YouTube hasn’t commented on the vanishing Zeppelin clips. But could you blame them? If any YouTube representative was quoted in the media regarding how many Led Zeppelin clips were removed due to copyright infringements, it would only serve as a challenge enticing others to upload even more clips.

And we’re sure that whomever is entrusted with Led Zeppelin removal at YouTube already has his or her hands full.