Daily Pulse

Avram’s New Challenges

The fact that Marcel Avram will probably have spent March 1 celebrating his 70th birthday, as well as 40 years in the live music game, is likely to be one of the main focuses of this year’s ILMC.

He’ll be interviewed by Ed Bicknell, the former Dire Straits manager and former William Morris Agency VP for international music, whose role as a sharp questioner is never likely to fall into the "former" category.

The Sunday-morning breakfast session will also see Bicknell talking to legendary U.K.-based promoter Harvey Goldsmith and legendary U.S.-based promoter Ron Delsener.

Avram’s illustrious past, which ranges from promoting sellout international tours for acts who’ve become household names, winning U.S. court judgements against Michael Jackson (that were racked up in millions) and doing time for tax evasion, is likely to be one of the most well-documented and well-advertised features of the ILMC weekend.

Whatever new challenges he’s taking on, which look to include developing new markets in Turkey, The Balkans, and elsewhere, may get revealed at ILMC March 9.

Avram was unavailable for comment at press time.

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