That’s the word from Microsoft, which shut down its MSN Music service in 2006 but has maintained servers verifying the songs’ digital rights management keys, thus allowing the music to keep on rocking.

All that stops on August 31st when Microsoft shuts down the MSN Music DRM servers, leaving MSN Music customers stuck with whichever devices they’re using to play the songs, reports The Washington Post.

But if customers upgrade their players or computers, then they’re up Bill Gates Creek without a paddle. By shutting down the servers, Microsoft prevents any future devices from playing the tunes.

To be fair, MSN Music wasn’t exactly the go-to place for online music, and the server shutdown will only affect a small number of consumers.

However, Microsoft’s server disconnect is another example of the inadequacies of DRM, which relies on servers to verify security keys before authorizing the playing of copy-protected tracks purchased online.

In an interview with CNET’s, MSN’s Rob Bennett defended Microsoft’s decision, saying that it was “impractical” for Microsoft to continue supporting the MSN tracks. Bennet also said MSN never wanted DRM in the first place.

“Had we had the ability to deliver DRM-free tracks at the time, we absolutely would have done that,” Bennett said. “We talked to the labels at the time about that. As a company, we have continued to push for this.”