Klinger & Co. Wait On State Prosecutor

Austria — The investigation into former Rock & More promoter Wolfgang Klinger took a dramatic turn last week when it emerged that nine other people could also face prosecution.

Magister Gerhard Garosch from the Vienna state prosecutor’s office told Pollstar the case has reached the end of the pre-trial stage and the state attorney will now decide if the matter should go to court.

The police finished their preliminary inquiry at the end of March, during which time they would have worked under the prosecutor’s instruction, but were then told to go back and gather more information.

Klinger confirmed that he and his lawyer attended police interviews during the first and second stages of the pre-trial inquiry, the last one on April 18th, but says he doesn’t expect to be facing charges for fraud or anything else.

Garosch said he’s unable to give the details of the nine others involved or their connection with Klinger, but he did confirm that the investigation started as a result of an anonymous tip-off that the Vienna police received last December.

Klinger said he has no idea who is behind the original complaint but believes it may be a rival trying to tie up his time and money by making him defend "stupid" allegations.

Maxa Catovic of Belgrade-based Komuna and David Lieberberg, who ran Rock & More shows in Bulgaria, have already denied that they had anything to do with the complaint.