The Man Who Lost His Rag

David Bowie is angry with Peter Schaufuss because he claims the former London Festival Ballet director was planning to use some of his songs without permission.

"Absolute toss," said the influential innovator with a knack for reinventing himself, after The Sun reported that he’s collaborating with Danish choreographer Schaufuss on a ballet based on Nicolas Roeg’s film "The Man Who Fell To Earth."

"I have no idea who Peter Schaufuss is either," Bowie said in a posting on his Web site.

Bowie, who played Thomas Jerome Newton in the 1976 movie, denies he’s given permission for any of his songs to be used.

Schaufuss, who left what’s now the English National Ballet and set up his own Peter Schaufuss Ballet in 1997, told BBC News he obtained the necessary permission to use Bowie’s music in Denmark. He said there are no plans to take the production to any other countries.

"We have done everything by the book," he explained, saying he still hoped to premiere the dance show in September.

He had hoped to use up to 15 Bowie tracks in the production, including "Let’s Dance," "Space Oddity," "Life On Mars" and "Starman."

However, he did admit he’d probably have to change the name of the show as he hasn’t secured the rights to call it "The Man Who Fell To Earth."