No Class Ticket Bot

A man who filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of everybody who’s ever failed to get their hands on hot concert tickets has withdrawn his claim against a company that’s faced its fair share of similar litigation – RMG Technologies.

When Boaz Lissauer filed suit in a Western District of Pennsylvania court earlier this year, he alleged that RMG, along with ticket brokers National Event Company II, Designer Tickets and Tours, and various individuals had "misused and abused Ticketmaster’s Web site."

In doing so, the suit claimed the defendants were guilty of a handful of violations including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, RICO laws, breach of contract, intentional interference with contractual relations and unjust enrichment.

RMG President Cipriano Garibay told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that while his company does distribute software to help brokers obtain tickets, the software doesn’t allow customers to "navigate a Web site and complete transactions more quickly than class members could," as the suit claimed.

Garibay explained that by simply opening more than one account on the Ticketmaster site, brokers would be able to obtain more tickets than TM’s quantity restrictions allotted, the paper said.

"We’ve been made a scapegoat," Garibay said. "The claim is that the consumer is being hurt. I’m not sure if that is true, but if it is, we may be able to provide information for the actual people who are doing it. There are companies that are doing what people think our software is doing – cutting to the front of the line."

Lissauer attorney Peter Overs told the Tribune-Review he expects to refile the lawsuit against other ticketing companies.

"We’re continuing to negotiate for information for other types of defendants that might be more culpable," he said. "Frankly, we don’t have all the information."