STP Reunion Spurs Suit

The recent reunion of Stone Temple Pilots has paved the way for not only the band’s first tour since splitting in 2003 but a new lawsuit filed by Atlantic Records.

After the band announced plans to record a new studio album following the end of the reunion tour, Atlantic jumped into action, filing suit against lead singer Scott Weiland and drummer Eric Kretz in a New York District Court.

According to legal documents obtained by Reuters, the suit claims that Weiland and Kretz have attempted to thwart the band’s contract with the label, which requires STP to produce more album and possibly another if Atlantic decides to release them.

Weiland and Kretz’s efforts "have given rise to a definite, real and substantial controversy between the parties that threatens to harm Atlantic’s business," the suit said.

The band members fired back in a statement, claiming that Atlantic was attempting to hijack what STP had thought were "cordial and positive discussions" about the band’s first release in years.

"Despite the allegations in the complaint, the band never threatened anything more than remaining away from the studio until equitable terms could be arranged," the statement said. "The precipitous filing of this action is yet another example of the difficulties facing artists in the new music environment, as relationships between artists and their labels fall further and further apart.

"Should everyone operate in good faith, STP are certain that a new album from the band will be available soon. Should Atlantic instead pursue this scorched earth policy towards the band, the ultimate victims will be STP’s fans, who will never be able to enjoy a new album from the group."

The label is reportedly seeking a court declaration of its rights under the contract, attorney’s fees and other relief.