Winehouse Hubby Gets 18 Months

Amy Winehouse’s husband has been ordered to serve an additional 18 months in prison, having already pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm and trying to pervert the course of justice.

Judge David Radford passed a 27-month sentence on Blake Fielder-Civil at London’s Snaresbrook Crown Court July 21, with the nine months he’s spent on remand in the city’s Pentonville prison automatically deducted.

Pending good behaviour, Fielder-Civil could have his sentence halved, which would make him a free man by the end of the year.

In 2006, he and a friend attacked 36-year-old James King outside the Macbeth Pub in east London. They conspired to bribe King to leave the country while the assault case was heard, causing it to fall apart because of the lack of a key witness.

Early reports say Winehouse was not in court to hear the verdict.