News & Views
News …
Remembering Isaac Hayes in pictures – New York Daily News
The difference between the record industry and the music industry is that one is declining while the other is growing – The Sydney Morning Herald
What? Can it be? Breaking its own tradition, Rolling Stone shrinks to normal magazine size after spending 30 years as odd-rag-out on the magazine racks – The New York Times (registration may be required)
Record producer Cliff Jones sounds off about illegal downloading – “The trouble is, the law doesn’t always help us sort right from wrong.” – The Times Online U.K.
R. Kelly continues to keep low profile weeks after trial acquittal – Chicago Sun-Times
Local law officials in Wales town confiscated, then crushed stereo equipment belonging to Cher fan who evidently blasted his neighbors with “Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves” one time too many – Wales On Sunday / Wales Online U.K.
Views …
Rosanne Cash in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania – “Throughout the evening Cash sang cleanly and compellingly, with moonlit heartache and lullaby yearning.” – Allentown Morning Call
Robin Thicke in Anaheim – ” … capably proved that the slow-to-rise star aims for a feel distinctly different from those of his peers, a sound steeped in ’70s soul more than modern R&B.” – The Orange County Register
Wilco in Delaware (for the first time) – “The band unleashed an enchanting two-hour, 24-song show, touching on nearly all of their studio albums and their Mermaid Avenue collaborations with Billy Bragg.” – The News Journal / Delaware Online
They Say It’s Their Birthday … (Or so says Associated Press)
Kenny Gamble (Gamble and Huff) is 65
Jim Kale (The Guess Who) is 65
John Conlee is 62
Eric Carmen is 59
Joe Jackson is 54
Charlie Sexton is 40
Chris Dave (Mint Condition) is 40
Chris Kelly (Kris Kross) is 30
J-Boog (B2K) is 23