Diamond Refunds Raspy Performance
Diamond apparently took the stage August 25 with a sore throat and croaked his way through the concert but never explained his situation to the audience.
It didn’t go over well.
“He should have pounded four shots of honey and a pint of Robitussin and then climbed into a time machine and journeyed far away from the stage because this show should not have gone on,” a reporter from the Columbus Dispatch wrote in a review.
While some concertgoers left the venue mid-performance, a group of more than 70 gathered at a customer service line in the lobby and asked for refunds, according to the paper.
A statement on the artist’s Web site soon after announced Diamond had been forced to reschedule two other shows – moving a date at Scottrade Center in St. Louis to September 10 and Resch Center in Green Bay, Wis., to September 12 – after being diagnosed with acute laryngitis.
He also posted an apology to Columbus fans, who may request refunds for the show through September 5.
“I haven’t let you down before and I wont let you down now,” he wrote. “Until you hear from me again remember, you are the sun. I am the moon. You are the words. I am the tune. Forgive me.”