Winehouse Joke Wins Edinburgh Award

A dig at troubled singer Amy Winehouse has been declared the funniest joke of this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Comedian Zoe Lyons took the top spot after her jibe was chosen in a public vote on digital TV channel Dave, which ran throughout the annual celebration of experimental and alternative arts.

Her winner is: “I can’t believe Amy Winehouse self-harms. She’s so irritating she must be able to find someone to do it for her.”

Possibly spurred on by having most of those who visited the August 3-25 event on her side, Lyons, who said she was “absolutely delighted” to win the award, was clearly in no mood to stop.

“I know self-harming is not funny but it’s just a joke, so I’m not going to beat myself up about it,” she told BBC News.