In an interview with GQ magazine, the music legend discussed all of the above plus staying relevant in the music biz, that long-awaited project with Eminem and mixing it up with Lily Allen.

Sir Elton got a little garrulous when the topic turned to his love of live performance.

“I love going out and playing,” he told the magazine. “I’ve never loved playing so much as I do now.

“I’m just going back to do some dates with my band, then I go off and do six dates completely on my own, and then I go back to Vegas to do a show which is completely different to anything we’ve done before, and then I’m going on the road again with Billy Joel again next year – so that’s the fourth different thing – and then I may go on the road with Ray Cooper again – so that’s the fifth different thing – and then I’ve got an orchestral thing up my sleeve. So that’s six different kinds of shows I can do. And I just really, really, really enjoy it.”

And that Ben Stiller musical comedy about AIDS? Well you just have to decide about that one for yourself.

Read the whole story here.