TOTP To Return

It’s been off the air for two years and mourned over by such influential people as U.K. culture secretary Andy Burnham, but now it seems as if “Top Of The Pops” will return to British TV screens.

After heavy lobbying from artists, managers and record companies, all claiming there is not enough popular music on television, the BBC is expected to bring the programme back some time next year.

Newspaper reports say music executives are increasingly confident The Beeb will put TOTP back on the screen but predict there will need to be a change of format if it’s to win back viewers.

The Times predicts it will need to play some songs before they’re released rather than wait for them to register in the chart, and end the “three-minute rule” that forced some rock bands to play shorter versions of their hits.

One music industry executive reportedly told the paper that the programme will fail again if it returns exactly as before.

“It needs to be more populist and have exclusive content, new songs, that can be put up on YouTube and shared around the Internet,” the exec explained.

“Top Of The Pops” was axed after its ratings, which were as high as 15 million in its 1970s heyday, dropped to a little more than 1 million. The last show aired July 2006.