In typical British style, The Guardian U.K. has offered a few not necessarily helpful but humorous suggestions.

“[Soccer star Diego] Maradona: just got a new job; lost weight; from Argentina; she’ll be able to remember his name – almost.

“John Cleese: mature; less funny than he used to be; well-practiced at divorce for when the time comes.

“Prince Andrew: real-life royal; likes the jet-set lifestyle; comes with Fergie thrown in for free, so she could have a new best friend, too.

Michael Jackson: could discuss music; has similar interests in regular changes of appearance, religion, etc.; would not find her weird.”

For our part, we know she’s been linked to baseball slugger Alex Rodriguez (kinda). Maybe she could use a musical mate, as Lenny Kravitz is the only one we remember her with.

Other than that, we’re pretty much drawing a blank. Maybe Ashton Kutcher has some single pals.
Any ideas?