Live Nation-SF Relocates

Live Nation SF, formerly known as Bill Graham Presents, is on the move.

The company pulled up stakes at the Fifth Street location the legendary promoter opened after his original office was firebombed in an incident Graham believed to be a hate crime.

The new office is located at 251 Rhode Island St., Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94103. The phone number is unchanged.

Graham, a holocaust survivor, moved his original office after an arson fire destroyed it shortly after he publicly criticized then-President Ronald Reagan for visiting Germany’s Bitburg military cemetery.

The fire was determined to be an arson, and Graham believed it was an act of anti-Semitism. He relocated to the nondescript Fifth Street building and never advertised its location or put up signs indicating the home of his concert promotion business.

The company was sold after his death to a group of BGP execs, who in turn sold it to Clear Channel Entertainment, which eventually was spun off to become Live Nation.