You Asked For It!

While it seems that most readers are enjoying the sparkly new, there are a few who seem less than clear on some of the new features and where some of the old ones have gone.

Luckily for those folks we didn’t just slap this thing up without a little beta testing.

How can I help you today?

Our helpful customer service department has compiled a few of the most frequently asked questions about the new site. Hopefully this list will shine some light on things that might be puzzling you. If you have further questions, please submit them to [email protected].

Q: Where do I find my AutoNotify list?
A: Your AutoNotify list is located under “My Pollstar”

Q: How do I add artists/venues to my AutoNotify list?
A: You can add artists/venues in two ways: When you are viewing the dates check mark “AutoNotify” under TOOLS and the artist will be added to your list. OR When you are viewing your search results from “Find An Event” click on the check mark under the “Auto Notify” column. When the check mark is green they are added to your list.

Q: How do I remove artists/venues from my auto-notify list?
A: When you are viewing your “My AutoNotify List” simply un-check all AutoNotify options for the artist/venue you wish to remove, next time you go to “My Pollstar” they will no longer be listed.

Q: I’m getting “You entered an Email Address that is NOT in our database.” when I try to do a password recovery, where is my account?
A: All accounts were not transferred over to the new website. If the website is unable to find your account, you will need to recreate it.

Q: I’m getting email about news stories and photos but I just want to be notified about my artist/venue’s tour dates, what’s going on?
A: Each artist/venue has “AutoNotify Options” check marked in green. You can receive updates anytime one of your artist/venues is mentioned in a news story or a new photo is posted of them. If you only wish to be notified about your artist’s tour dates un-check the other items for each artist.

Q: Why am I getting notifications for concerts in other countries instead of just my travel area?
A: This feature is in the works and will be added to the website in the near future.

Q: I would like to only get email once a day in digest form, how do I set my account to do this?
A: This feature is in the works and will be added to the website in the near future.