Let 3 Wants Ban On Catholicism

A Croatian band with a reputation for courting controversy has caused more uproar by calling for the banning of the Catholic Church in Slovenia.

Let 3 (or Flight 3), which has polarised opinion in its native Croatia and other former Yugoslav republics with provocative lyrics and some obscene live performances, has produced a manifesto demanding a ban on “the operation of the catholic church” beginning Sept. 1.

“Dear Slovenians and members of other nationalities that reside in Slovenia, dear faggots and members of other sexual inclination, dear atheists, dear believers,” it begins.

The manifesto, which has received major coverage on TV, radio and national newspapers in both countries, looks to be a tit-for-tat reaction against church leaders who’ve called for Let 3 to be banned for their explicit stage shows, which have already led to the band being fined for “offending public morality.”

In December 2006, police officers reported members of the band for appearing semi-nude at an open-air concert. The court found them guilty and fined each member 350 kroner (around euro 50 or US$66).

Just before Christmas, the live talk show “Nedjeljom u 2” (Sunday at 2 p.m.) was cut short by nine minutes after two of the band simulated the ejection of a cork from their rectums.

In the manifesto, the band also demands the church is only allowed to function in a limited capacity until the full ban comes into effect.

During this “transitional period,” Let 3 wants the church to cut its number of apostles from 12 to six, which would mean the end for Bartholomew, Simon Peter, Philip, Thaddeus, Thomas, and James, son of Alphaeus.

Apart from the manifesto, Let 3 is sending out the same message on its new album Živa Picka.