Wenham A Winner

Her title will change from president to chairman, but WIN – the international independent music association – wants Alison Wenham to continue to lead it for the next two years.

The board of WIN – the Worldwide Independent Network – unanimously requested Wenham to stay at the helm during a MIDEM meeting Jan. 27.

She’s spent the last two years as an “inaugural president,” as WIN has extended its membership to labels and independent music trade associations in 25 countries.

It’s also helped drive the formation of Merlin to work with the independent sector in commercial exploitation of their copyrights.

In line with constitutional proposals relating to the organisation’s future structure and funding, it was agreed WIN will reserve the presidency as a titular position. Wenham becomes chairman and – recognising WIN’s widening business and geographical focus – it has also appointed four vice chairmen.

They are David Vodicka, (chairman of Australian Independent Records), Mark Chung (chairman of German independents trade body VUT), Portia Sabin (representing the American Association of Independent Music) and Duncan McKie (president and chief exec for the Canadian Independent Record Production Association).

The WIN Board’s MIDEM agenda also included a review of the broadly successful first Independents Day in 2008, and noted that an increased number of territories intend to build on it for 2009.

An IFPI presentation dealt with research regarding the effectiveness of collecting societies, with particular reference to income for independent labels.