Fire Halts Gang Gang Dance

The fire that broke out in a storage space at The Paradiso in Amsterdam Feb. 13 did little damage to the venue but took place on the first and last night of a European tour for U.S. indie band Gang Gang Dance.

The Manhattan-based group left its equipment in the room, intending to pick it up before heading to Brussels for the following night’s show at AB Club.

“We stored our gear in the club last night and when we arrived there today to pick it up and head off to Brussels for tonight’s show, we were informed that an electrical fire had occurred in the very room where our stuff was stashed,” read a note on the band’s Web site.

“We didn’t really know the scope of how bad the fire was until we arrived on the scene to find every piece of equipment we own scattered out in the parking lot … melted, charred, and still smoldering.”

Paradiso promoter Ben Kansma said the fire didn’t spread from the equipment room, although some fairly thick smoke must have belched through the building.

“The smell of the smoke is so bad that we’ll need to repaint, but at the moment we’re putting up with the situation as it is,” he said.

Gang Gang Dance considered renting equipment to continue the tour, but the act’s memory cards and samples would have been impossible to replace.

The act expects to reschedule the canceled shows in Belgium, Germany, France and the U.K. as soon as it’s practical.