Daily Pulse

Majors Pressure Service Providers

Sweden’s infamous Pirate Bay site will be one of the first to come under attack if the country’s major music labels can muscle Internet service providers into instating the “three strikes” rule.

The Irish Recorded Music Association (IRMA) has already legally pressured Eircom – Ireland’s largest Internet provider – to block access to any site the music industry says is responsible for illegal music-swapping. IRMA, which represents the interests of labels including EMI, Sony-BMG, Universal and Warner, has warned the other ISPs to follow suit or face legal action.

The labels will compile a list of Web sites they know to be harbouring illegal music sharers and then file a court order to attempt to force other Irish Internet providers to block access to the site.

A company spokesman told The Sunday Business Post that Eircom’s compliance will be automatic. He said it has agreed not to oppose any court applications to blacklist Web sites.

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