Boogie Down To Court

An Orange County, Calif., man is facing felony counts of forgery, fraud, and attempted grand theft for trying to sell an Anaheim property, including a nightclub with a history of violence, for more than $11 million.

Problem is, he allegedly has no actual connection to it, let alone ownership.

Danny Kirkey is charged with filing bogus documents with the Orange County Recorder’s Office showing he owned the property near Disneyland that includes the defunct Boogie nightclub and Flakey Jake’s restaurant, also closed.

The club, which closed in 2006 after its liquor license was suspended, operated as an 18-and-older hip-hop club.

Prosecutors say Kirkey met with commercial real estate brokers in September seeking to list the property for $11 million, but the brokers were suspicious that he seemed to lack any actual real estate knowledge. They didn’t list the property and instead contacted the true owner.

Kirkey also listed the property on the Internet for $16 million. Prosecutors said they would seek $1 million bail at a March 12 hearing.