No Brotherly Love In Cook Case

Dane Cook’s half-brother is being held on $1 million bail in Massachusetts following his arraignment on charges that he stole millions from the comedian while acting as his business manager.

During an appearance in Middlesex Superior Court in Woburn, Mass., March 26, Darryl McCauley pleaded not guilty to counts of forgery, larceny by continuous scheme and eight counts of larceny of more than $250. More charges are reportedly forthcoming.

Prosecutors alleged in court that McCauley, who was raised with Cook and served as his business manager for about 18 years, not only stole millions from the comedian, but also forged Cook’s signature on a $3 million check that McCauley subsequently cashed, according to the Boston Herald.

The jig was apparently up last year when Cook hired a new business manager. When McCauley failed to provide the new manager with access to the comedian’s business records, Cook hired a lawyer to investigate, the Herald reported.

McCauley, whose assets have reportedly been frozen, was unable to make bail and will appear in court for a pretrial conference April 16.