Jamie Foxx’s X-Rated Career Advice

Jamie Foxx supposedly slammed teen popster Miley Cyrus during his Sirius radio program, “The Foxxhole,” allegedly saying the 16-year-old star should “make a sex tape and grow up.”

Photo: Greg Allen
Madison Square Garden, New York.

If the sound clip making the Internet rounds is genuine, Foxx and his crew began dumping on Cyrus after a caller to his radio program said the “Hannah Montana” star had vowed to “ruin” Radiohead after the British band supposedly snubbed her at the Grammys.

Other suggestions allegedly aimed at Cyrus from Foxx and his cohorts included taking heroin, becoming a lesbian, smoking crack, and catching a sexually transmitted disease.

Photo: AP Photo
ABC’s "Good Morning America," New York, N.Y.

You can listen to the very vulgar and very NSFW sound clip posted on YouTube by clicking here.  Wanna bet the next move by Foxx will be a very public apology?