Pussycat Dolls Get Catty, Advice From Britney

Britney Spears, the most unlikely peacemaker and life coach of them all, is apparently doling out career advice to feuding opening act The Pussycat Dolls.

During last Friday’s Spears/Dolls show at Jobing.com Arena in Glendale, Ariz, Pussycat Melody Thornton couldn’t resist making a catty comment about lead singer Nicole Scherzinger.

Some Dolls members think Scherzinger is getting a little too big for her britches because the band’s recent singles “Hush Hush” and “Jai Ho” have been billed as “The Pussycat Dolls featuring Nicole Scherzinger.”

Photo: AP Photo
Hollywood & Highland Courtyard, Los Angeles.

Thornton obviously isn’t a fan of the billing. In between songs, she took the opportunity to vent to the crowd, as seen in a YouTube clip of the show.

“I’m Melody and I’m a native of Phoenix, Arizona. Let me give a shout-out to my family. Thank you for supporting me, even if I’m not featured. You know what I’m saying?

“And I feel like it’s my responsibility to say to all the little boys and girls in the house tonight that myself and Ashley Roberts are examples that you can do anything that you want to do. Don’t give up on your dreams and don’t let anyone stomp on them ever!”

So only Thornton and Roberts prove you can follow your dreams? Scherzinger, Kimberly Wyatt and Jessica Sutta are just chopped liver? Is she implying that Scherzinger is trying to stomp on her dreams?

Photo: AP Photo
Bambi 2008 media awards, Offenburg, Germany.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported that headlining act and drama-mama Spears didn’t approve of her opening act’s onstage antics.

“Remember, business comes first. … You can hate each other off-stage, but make it work on stage,” a very reliable Spears source quoted Britney as saying, according to the Sun-Times.

If Spears really said this, it might be the smartest thing that has come out of her lips. It might be a good idea for the Dolls to listen up. Reading about band fights in the tabloids is fun but it gets awkward for everyone when there’s drama onstage. I wonder what other advice Spears has for her fellow artists?

The source said Spears thought Thorton’s ouburst led to a “downer effect” for the rest of the Dolls’ set and a negative lead-in to her own headlining performance.

Hopefully the band pulls it together because the Pussycat Dolls will be opening for Spears’ Circus tour through the end of May.

Rumor has it that Scherzinger will eventually leave the group and go solo. She has been working on a solo album, tentatively titled My Name is Nicole, since 2006. She’s released a number of singles and other songs considered for the solo album were instead included on the Dolls’ 2008 Doll Domination.

Watch the YouTube clip here.

Read the Chicago Sun-Times piece here.