The band and its official fan club, Aero Force One, are looking for the best faux guitar slingers to entertain the crowd before special guest ZZ Top takes the stage.

Entry is easy enough. Create a video demonstrating Guitar Hero: Aerosmith chops. Then upload the video to YouTube. What could be simpler?

That’s the gist of the entire contest, however we did skip over a few important details.

For example, you can’t crank your Guitar Hero: Aerosmith setup to just any song. Instead, Aero Force One has a specific list of Aerosmith tunes that are perfect for unleashing your inner Guitar Hero – “Make It,” “Uncle Salty,” “Draw The Line,” “No Surprize,” “Moving Out,” “Sweet Emotion,” “Nobody’s Fault,” “Bright Light Fright,” “Back in the Saddle,” “Dream On,” “Mama Kin,” “Toys In The Attic,” “Combination,” “Let the Music Do the Talking,” “Mercy,” “Pandora’s Box,” “Rats in the Cellar,” “Shakin My Cage,” “Talk Talking,” and “Walk This Way.”

Once your video is ready, you can’t throw it up anywhere on YouTube. You need to post it at Aerosmith’s Official YouTube Channel.

Then it’s sit back and wait for that e-mail from AF1 congratulating you on winning the chance to show off your Guitar Hero: Aerosmith prowess before thousands of screaming fans. Er, that is, screaming for Aerosmith, not necessarily you and your GHA licks.

Aero Force One will pick the winner for each stop on Aerosmith’s tour. To get your video noticed among all the entrees, AF1 says you should make sure your video is “crazy, rockin’, funny, creative or insane – within the letter of the law, of course.” The fan club says entrees will be judged on the “best combination of creativity, skill and star power.”

Each city’s winner will receive two tickets to that night’s show, a Guitar Hero: Aerosmith game pack and personal congratulations from Steven Tyler and Joe Perry. Two runners up winners will win passes to the Aerosmith gig of their choice plus the GHA game pack, but do not get any kind of congrats from Tyler or Perry.

What are you waiting for? Make that video today, upload it tomorrow and then wait for AF1 to change your life by laying that No. 1 prize upon you.

Or, as AF1 says, “Good luck fret burners!! May you become rock gods.”

For more information, please click here for the Aero Force One Web site.

For the Official Aerosmith YouTube Channel, please click here.