Amy’s Comeback Washout

Amy Winehouse was forced to abandon her first concert in months when a deluge washed out her May 8 performance at the St. Lucia Jazz Festival.

The skies opened up and reportedly caused the lighting rig to fail, then rain flooded the technical wings at the side of the stage and caused sound problems. Amy and the band tried to soldier on, but the set had to be cut short because of what a spokesman described as “technical difficulties.”

Winehouse is said to have expressed disappointment that the island gig was cut short by torrential rain, although BBC News reported that it was a bit of a damp squib in the first place.

It quoted fans saying her singing was “painful” and that she was a “wasted talent.” The Sun – under the headline “Amy’s Back On The Boos” – described it as “a “shambolic performance.”

“Her erratic behavior seemed to be getting stranger and stranger as the 45-minute set went on. Stumbling and forgetting words, she looked confused, relying heavily on her band,” the daily tabloid explained.

The clouds over St. Lucia must have had silver linings as other papers have reported that the St Lucia Jazz Festival organizers are keen to get Amy back to do another show.

Other bands on the St. Lucia fest bill included Michael McDonald, Chaka Khan and Patti LaBelle.