Novoselic is Master of the Grays River Grange. However, the “Grange Party” he’s running under isn’t a political party. Instead, it’s an organization for American farmers. But that didn’t stop him from filing for the one-year unexpired term of county clerk by listing “prefers Grange Party” – and that’s what Novoselic has a problem with.

He doesn’t agree with Washington’s Top Two primary system and Initiative 872 that allows candidates to list a private group as their party affiliation.

“I listed ‘prefers Grange Party’ in this partisan race,” Novoselic told The Daily World in an email. “Of course there is no such thing as a Grange Party. Before I-872 was implemented in Washington, it would have been illegal to list Grange, or American Legion, Eagles, Boy Scouts or whatever next to a candidate’s name on the public ballot. The way I-872 is implemented is confusing voters.

“We need to solve this problem in a way that will be accepted by Washington voters and I propose a way to do so in my Grange article,” Novoselic said, referring to a column he wrote on the Grays River Grange Web site.

“There’s going to be a resolution at the State Grange Convention in a couple of weeks that proposes a settlement. I hope the Grangers pass it. I love the Grange and I’m a very active member. It’s too bad that the state allows this kind of intrusion on private association. The prank here is how attorneys for the state have parsed words with this ‘prefers party’ business. They’re confusing voters.”

The Daily World noted that Novoselic is challenging incumbent Democrat Kay Holland, who filed to retain her seat as county clerk. If another candidate files, a primary will be held in August.

Click here to read The Daily World article.

Click here to read the article Novoselic wrote for the Grays River Grange Web site.