NY Congressman Denounces Wall-To-Wall MJ Coverage
Truth is, we can’t blame King or anybody for choking on all the Jackson coverage. The cable newsers have been going full-steam on the King of Pop ever since word first broke of his June 25 death.
On the other hand, even when you look past the fame Jackson’s death is still one for the record books. The countless episodes of plastic surgery, the accusations, the parentage of his children, the dysfunctional family, Joe Jackson – there’s enough source material to fill 10 24/7 cable news channels, let alone three (four if you count CNN’s Headline News channel separately).
But all-Jackson-news-all-the-time evidently got Rep. Peter King’s dander up. During the July 4 weekend the New York congressman posted a video on YouTube denouncing all the fuss over Jackson’s death, saying the “day in and day out” media coverage is “too politically correct.”
King’s point is that the media has focused on Jackson while ignoring folks like members of the military fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, teachers, police officers, veterans, firefighters and volunteers.
King also had a few choice words for describing the King of Pop that you won’t hear mentioned at tomorrow’s memorial at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Words like “low-life” and “pervert.”
Jackson family spokesman Ken Sunshine, said the Jackson family will not dignify King’s statements with a comment. Speaking of which, we’re sure you’ll have a few comments of your own to post after watching the congressman’s video embedded below.