Soccer Chief To Throw AEG A Lifeline

The head of the consortium that lost out to AEG in a bid to build a new arena in Copenhagen, Denmark, says he’s prepared to help the U.S. company raise cash for the project.

Although the city council chose AEG to build and run the new venue at Ørestad, about 4 miles south of Copenhagen city centre, it’s already missed one deadline to prove it has the money to do the job. It’s now been given until the beginning of October.

Brian Mollerup, chairman of local soccer club FC Amager, has told national daily Berlingske Tidende that he’s prepared to help.
Mollerup’s bid was backed by FCA Invest, which also put money behind his soccer team, and Gemelli Invest.

He told BT he would contact AEG to find out if there’s a way he can help save the project. Carsten Haurum, the city council’s head of culture and leisure, previously told Pollstar the arena may be shelved if AEG fails to make the October deadline.

Brian Kabatznick, AEG’s European vice president of facilities, said he’s not commenting on the matter until after the Oct. 1 deadline.

The city council chose AEG for the project in March and gave it until June 15 to show it has the necessary cash but had to extend that deadline because the U.S. entertainment giant came up with half of the $225 million it needs.

In February, before it was known who was bidding to build the new Ørestad arena, BT speculated that Mollerup and AEG would make a joint approach.

Both sides denied it, although Kabatznick wouldn’t say if his company had thrown its hat in the ring with an individual bid.