Pendragon Locked In
Jonathan Pendragon and his wife Charlotte, together known as the stage illusionist team The Pendragons, apparently got into a heated argument at their home, resulting in Jonathan allegedly firing a gun at the floor.
Jonathan was arrested July 8 in Arroyo Grande, Calif., after Charlotte called 911 to say her husband had armed himself during the domestic dispute, according to a San Luis Obispo County sheriff’s spokesman.
Jonathan – born Claude Douglas Yarbrough – was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, spousal abuse, terrorist threats and firing a weapon in an inhabited dwelling and was held on $50,000 bail.
The Pendragons, billed as “The First Couple of Magic,” have been married for more than 30 years and are recognized for their quick “switch” during the metamorphosis routine, where the husband and wife switch places within a second.