Coney Island Shed Delayed?

When the New York City Council approved Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan in late July to redevelop Coney Island, it was unclear what that would mean for a $64 million amphitheatre being proposed for the grounds.

It’s going away – or moving forward with gusto – according to one report.

The council voted overwhelmingly July 29 to turn Coney Island into a year-round entertainment complex that will include a new amusement park, high-rise hotels, restaurant, retail stores, movie theatres and Coney Island’s first new roller coaster in nearly a century. City officials have been negotiating with a developer to make the proposal a reality.

Meanwhile, Borough President Marty Markowitz’s dream of having a new shed in Coney Island’s Asser Levy Park is fading, according to the Brooklyn Paper. The city Parks Department “put the brakes” on the project, the paper said, although Borough Hall officially said the amphitheatre design is being retooled.

However, new blueprints apparently call for moving an existing playground to the western end of the park to provide more room for an expanded amphitheatre, a source told the Paper.