Empire State Building Glows For The Grateful Dead

In one of the more unusual tributes to the Grateful Dead, New York City’s Empire State Building is lighting up with tie-dye colors today.

The skyscraper’s hippie moment is meant to draw attention to “The Grateful Dead: Now Playing At The New York Historical Society” – an exhibit celebrating the 30-year history of the band. Founding members Bob Weir and Phil Lesh will attend a fundraiser at the NY Historical Society Oct. 21.

Photo: Randell Michelson
The Forum, Inglewood, Calif.

What’s in the exhibit? Sure, there are posters and original artwork, but the presentation also includes large-scale marionettes, banners and stage props with most of the materials coming from the Grateful Dead Archive at the University of California Santa Cruz.

But lighting up the Empire State Building in tie-dye colors? That sure is a long strange trip, even for the Grateful Dead. Jerry would be impressed.

Photo: Owen Sweeney
The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pa.

For more information about “The Grateful Dead: Now Playing At The New York Historical Society,” please click here for the Society’s Web site.