The , located in Pennsylvania’s Bullskin Township, attracted national attention when local police authorities began busting attendees on drug charges. During a three-day August event described as a “Funk Fest,” undercover police confiscated more than 1,000 marijuana pipes and bongs and arrested 22 people.

Police also confiscated 76 bags of weed, 22 bags of psilocybin mushrooms, eight tanks of nitrous oxide, two bags of hashish and several marijuana grinders and digital scales.

Now church founder William “Willy” Pritts says he’s looking to sell the 193-acre farm and move his church to another location.

Pritts sued Fayette County in 2006, saying officials violated his religious freedom rights when they used zoning restrictions to prevent the church from holding concerts. County officials claimed Pritts’ church drew hundreds of people and caused locals to complain about noise and traffic, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Pritts and the county appeared to have settled their differences earlier this year when the county agreed to pay him $75,000 and allow him to host 12 concerts per year as long as drugs and other illegal activities were banned. Then came the Aug. 1 raid followed by a federal judge slapping a temporary concert ban on the church.

Now it looks as if that temporary ban may become permanent. The Tribune-Review reports both sides are negotiating before a federal judge. The paper also says there are unconfirmed reports Pritts might reimburse the county $5,000 in legal fees if and when he sells the property, currently listed as two separate parcels priced at $350,000 each.

“The county has destroyed that location,” Pritts’ lawyer, Gregory Koerner, said. “He wishes he could stay there and continue to practice his religion, but that’s impossible at this time. None of the congregants feel they would be safe going there.”

Please click here to read the complete Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article.