Reportedly suffering breathing problems, the 50-year-old former Smiths frontman collapsed Saturday night while performing at the Oasis Leisure Center in Swindon, England.

Speaking on condition of anonymity in line with hospital policy, a spokeswoman for the city’s Great Western Hospital said Morrissey was admitted as a precautionary measure and that his condition was “greatly improved” on Sunday.

“Morrissey became unwell, and he was admitted overnight as a precautionary measure,” the spokeswoman said. “He’s been seen by the medical team, much improved and now discharged home.”

A fan at the show told the BBC Morrissey looked ill before he collapsed and two band members had to help him offstage.

“I didn’t think he looked particularly well but then again, he’s well known as a reclusive character so I sort of thought that was just the way he was when he was on stage,” Jillian Moody said. “He kept putting his hand up to his mouth as if he felt sick or perhaps he was trying to hide something, but he didn’t look particularly comfortable. He got through the whole song though … to rapturous applause at the end.”

Morrissey has had to postpone or cancel shows because of health. A note on the artist’s website says tonight’s gig at the Bournemouth Academy “will not take place on medical advice.”

Click here for the complete BBC report.

Click here for the Morrissey website.