ZZ Top’s Canada Adventure

ZZ Top’s tour bus convoy was heading to Prince George, B.C., when it came upon a pickup truck that had slid into a ditch leaving the vehicle’s owners stranded alongside the roadway about 30 miles outside of Jasper.
The tour crew tried using one of the tour buses to tow the pickup out of the ditch. When that didn’t work, they decided to leave the job up to the professionals and called in a tow truck.
But there was still the matter of what to do with the truck’s occupants. ZZ Top’s tour and production manager Allison “Ali” Hocking blogged the following:
“Without much hesitation the couple was invited to hop on board one of [the] band buses and get a ride to Jasper! Over some warm coffee and snacks, the detailed story of what was told by this young couple, named Kyle Weaver and Tyleena Robertson, was that they had spent the whole day snowboarding to celebrate their one-year engagement anniversary.”
And to all travelers, in Canada or elsewhere, Hocking has these words of advice:
“So to all of you out there. … you just never know where or when you may run into ZZ Top!”
Hocking’s words could have been directed at a Calgary waitress.
Marta Carragher is still glowing from her own ZZ Top encounter. According to the Calgary Sun, bass-man / vocalist Dusty Hill, decked out in his trademark shades, but also wearing a toque, wandered into Rick’s Restaurant located in the Lake Bonavista area. Hill was accompanied by a few of the band’s crewmembers.
“Everyone knew who they were – everyone was staring and whispering,” Carragher told the Sun. “Everyone was kind of in awe.”
Hill’s breakfast order? Over-medium eggs, extremely crispy bacon, coffee and milk. The rocker also granted Carragher’s request to pose for a cell phone photo.
“The only famous person I’ve ever served – it was exciting,” Carragher said. “He just seemed like just an average guy – laid back.”
Click here for the complete Calgary Sun article.
Click here to read Allison Hocking’s blog entry at ZZTop.com.