While doing interviews in Australia where he is performing at the Australian Recording Industry Association awards, Williams said his last major tour ended up with him going into rehab while his career took a three-year vacation, according to Agence France-Presse.

“There’s no plans to do a tour like the last one I did,” Williams said. “I know what happens to me and where it takes me and which rehab I end up in. I will tour again but it won’t be any time soon.”

Evidently Williams is well-acquainted with his personal demons. The 35-year-old singer told the press he will always be prone to addiction.

“I have that mechanism inside of me that enjoys not choosing life, that has it inbuilt in my DNA to want to get high,” Williams said. “I don’t think that ever leaves. I’m sure it won’t.”

Williams also described the touring life as “a really unnatural situation to find yourself in.”

“It’s such high highs in front of that many people at the stadiums… and then you go back to the hotel and you go, oh, I’ve eaten the mini-bar again and the Internet isn’t doing what it should do and I’m bored with that.

“After nine months of living in an air-conditioned room and just going to the gig you kind of crack a bit. You lose the plot.”

Please click here to read the complete AFP article.