Music lovers already know about MOG, the blogging network more than 10 million music fans call home. Now MOG is doing more than just talking about music. The site has launched MOG All Access, which delivers streams so fast, the service says you’ll think more than 6 million songs are stored on your hard drive.

MOG All Access claims to do the music-in-the-cloud concept better, as in better radio, better music discovery and better presentation.

For example, when you build your own station based on a single artist at MOG Radio, a slider allows you to change the station’s playlist, meaning you can choose to listen to songs only by that artist – a first for customized radio streams. Moving the slider from “Artist Only” to “Similar Artists” opens up the stream to compatible artists and bands. Plus, if a particular song catches your interest, one mouse click will play the entire album.

MOG Radio also displays the full queue enabling you to pick and choose which songs you want to hear, including skipping tracks as well as playing songs repeatedly. You can also save songs heard on MOG Radio to your own MOG library along with your artist selections and playlists.

Since MOG is already a music lover’s site, that means there are plenty of playlists for inspiration, including lists created by users as well as musicians and celebs giving you plenty of opportunities to discover your next favorite artist. MOG All Access’ search engine also gives you the ability to fine-tune your searches, presenting an environment, enabling you to not only search for artists and bands, but for playlists including specific performers and built around concepts such as anniversaries, dinner music, or whatever you can think of.

You also don’t need to download a customized player to enjoy the new service. MOG All Access can be accessed with any browser from any location.

How much does all this MOG cost? Five dollars per month gives you unlimited access and all-you-can-eat music streaming, including playlist creation.

But there is one feature not yet available with the MOG All Access rollout – mobile applications. RealNetworks’ music streamer, Rhapsody, launched its iPhone application in the United States in September giving users unlimited music streams via WiFi and 3G networks. Although mobile isn’t included in this week’s MOG All Access premiere, the service promises it will present its own mobile application early next year.

On the other hand, Rhapsody charges $14.99 per month, making MOG All Access with its $5 per month fee even more attractive. If you’ve been sitting on the fence when it comes to premium music streamers, MOG All Access is an inexpensive way to discover whether music-in-the-cloud is for you.

“MOG All Access was created by music lovers for music lovers,” MOG founder / CEO David Hyman said. “Our goal is to offer the best experience for listening, sharing and discovering music by creating a simple, smart intuitive interface.”

At this time MOG’s new streaming service is available only in North America, but will launch in Europe next year. You can sample the service through a one-hour free trial that does not require any commitment nor does it demand you provide any payment information. For more information, just click here for MOG All Access.