Kleman Back At Hultsfred

Two years after AEG bought the company that books the Hultsfred Festival bill, Janne Kleman has left the company and returned to working for the festival.

Until December 2007 Kleman booked the festival for Supreme Royal Deluxe, a company he co-owned with Gothenburg-based artist manager Petri Lunden. He switched to AEG when the American company bought it out.

Kleman sent an e-mail Nov. 30 saying it was his last day at AEG Live Sweden, but he’d still continue as the head booker for Hultsfred.

The split appears to have been initiated by the festival, which had a poor year in 2009, making cost cuts including dispensing with the services of AEG.

The event is down to a reduced staff and some of those who remain are only working out their notices.

It wasn’t possible to get comment from Hultsfred or AEG at press time.

The festival dates for 2010 are July 7-9.